应用 IT 技术

ThinkPHP 5.1 验证器(表单验证)类Validate常规用法与内置验证规则

一款健壮体验佳的应用,无论在客户端及服务端都应当对用户所提交的数据(表单)进行验证。ThinkPHP 的验证器(表单验证)类 Validate 可以方便地为开发者们提供服务端的验证功能。


服务端系统:CentOS release 6.10 (Final)
服务器软件:Nginx 1.14.1
服务端语言:PHP 5.6.36
PHP 框架:ThinkPHP 5.1.38 LTS


一、ThinkPHP 5.1 验证器(表单验证) 类 Validate 的常规用法


示例:定义一个 \app\admin\validate\User 验证器类用于 User 的验证。


1. 在 admin 模块下的 validate 文件夹下新建一个 User.php 。V 5.1.15+,可以使用下面的指令快速生成。

php think make:validate admin/User


ThinkPHP 5.1 验证器类 Validate 常规用法


2. 定义验证规则


namespace app\admin\validate;

use think\Validate;

class User extends Validate{
    // 验证规则
    protected $rule = [
        'name'	=> 'require|max:25|checkName:用户名不能为 admin',
        'age'	=> 'number|between:1,120',
        'email'	=> 'email'

    // 验证错误提示信息
    protected $message = [
        'name.require'	=> '用户名必须传递',
        'name.max'	=> '用户名不能超过25个字符',
        'age.number'	=> '年龄必须是数字',
        'age.between'	=> '年龄只能在1-120之间',
        'email'		=> '邮箱格式错误'

    // 验证场景
    protected $scene = [
        'register'	=> ['name','age','email'],
        'change'	=> ['age','email']

    // 自定义验证规则。5个参数依次为:验证数据,验证规则,全部数据(数组),字段名,字段描述(后面三个根据情况选用)。
    protected function checkName($value,$rule,$data=[],$name,$desc){
        if($value == 'admin'){
            return $rule;
            return true;


3. 使用验证器


namespace app\admin\controller;

use think\Controller;
use think\Request;
use app\admin\validate\User;

class User extends Controller{
     * 注册
    public function save(Request $request){

        $data = $request->post();

        // 1. 实例化验证器类
        $validate = new User();
        // 2. 选择场景进行验证
            // 3. 获取验证错误信息


     * 更新
    public function update(Request $request){

        $data = $request->post();

        $validate = new User();
        // 默认情况下,一旦有某个数据的验证规则不符合,就会停止后续数据及规则的验证,如果希望批量进行验证可添加方法 batch() 。
        $res = $validate->scene('change')->batch()->check($data);
        if($res !== true){
            // 批量验证如果未通过,返回的是一个错误信息的数组。



二、ThinkPHP 5.1 验证器(表单验证)类 Validate 的内置验证规则


TP 的官方手册上并没有列出所有的内置验证规则,但是我们可以通过阅读其封装类 Validate 来了解它们。

www(WEB 部署目录)/thinkphp/library/think/Validate.php



     * 默认规则提示
     * @var array
    protected static $typeMsg = [
        'require'		=> ':attribute require',
        'must'			=> ':attribute must',
        'number'		=> ':attribute must be numeric',
        'integer'		=> ':attribute must be integer',
        'float'			=> ':attribute must be float',
        'boolean'		=> ':attribute must be bool',
        'email'			=> ':attribute not a valid email address',
        'mobile'		=> ':attribute not a valid mobile',
        'array'			=> ':attribute must be a array',
        'accepted'		=> ':attribute must be yes,on or 1',
        'date'			=> ':attribute not a valid datetime',
        'file'			=> ':attribute not a valid file',
        'image'			=> ':attribute not a valid image',
        'alpha'			=> ':attribute must be alpha',
        'alphaNum'		=> ':attribute must be alpha-numeric',
        'alphaDash'		=> ':attribute must be alpha-numeric, dash, underscore',
        'activeUrl'		=> ':attribute not a valid domain or ip',
        'chs'			=> ':attribute must be chinese',
        'chsAlpha'		=> ':attribute must be chinese or alpha',
        'chsAlphaNum'		=> ':attribute must be chinese,alpha-numeric',
        'chsDash'		=> ':attribute must be chinese,alpha-numeric,underscore, dash',
        'url'			=> ':attribute not a valid url',
        'ip'			=> ':attribute not a valid ip',
        'dateFormat'		=> ':attribute must be dateFormat of :rule',
        'in'			=> ':attribute must be in :rule',
        'notIn'			=> ':attribute be notin :rule',
        'between'		=> ':attribute must between :1 - :2',
        'notBetween'		=> ':attribute not between :1 - :2',
        'length'		=> 'size of :attribute must be :rule',
        'max'			=> 'max size of :attribute must be :rule',
        'min'			=> 'min size of :attribute must be :rule',
        'after'			=> ':attribute cannot be less than :rule',
        'before'		=> ':attribute cannot exceed :rule',
        'afterWith'		=> ':attribute cannot be less than :rule',
        'beforeWith'		=> ':attribute cannot exceed :rule',
        'expire'		=> ':attribute not within :rule',
        'allowIp'		=> 'access IP is not allowed',
        'denyIp'		=> 'access IP denied',
        'confirm'		=> ':attribute out of accord with :2',
        'different'		=> ':attribute cannot be same with :2',
        'egt'			=> ':attribute must greater than or equal :rule',
        'gt'			=> ':attribute must greater than :rule',
        'elt'			=> ':attribute must less than or equal :rule',
        'lt'			=> ':attribute must less than :rule',
        'eq'			=> ':attribute must equal :rule',
        'unique'		=> ':attribute has exists',
        'regex'			=> ':attribute not conform to the rules',
        'method'		=> 'invalid Request method',
        'token'			=> 'invalid token',
        'fileSize'		=> 'filesize not match',
        'fileExt'		=> 'extensions to upload is not allowed',
        'fileMime'		=> 'mimetype to upload is not allowed',



三、ThinkPHP 5.1 验证器(表单验证)类 Validate 的一些坑


在 TP 5.1 中聚合方法无效,错误信息必须使用 message 属性定义。



namespace app\admin\validate;

use think\Validate;

class User extends Validate{
    // 将验证错误聚合到一个数组中的方法在 TP 5.1 中无效。
    protected $rule = [

    protected $scene = [
        'register'	=> ['name']


● 更多关于 ThinkPHP 5.1 验证器(表单验证)类 Validate 的资料可查阅:验证器 – ThinkPHP 5.1 完全开发手册

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